Army Locations in Fife Rosyth and Leuchars

The Armed Forces Community includes individuals who are: 

  • currently serving in the armed forces - either regular or reserve
  • veterans who served in the armed forces - either regular or reserve
  • members of the Merchant Navy who served on a commercial vessel in support of legally defined UK military operations
  • dependants - for example, the partner or child of someone who's currently serving in the armed forces, a veteran, or a member of the Merchant Navy.

In addition to the veterans and family members living across all Fife localities, we also have active servicemen and women based in Rosyth/Dunfermline and in Leuchars.

Some of the potential issues experienced by members of the Armed Forces Community are:

  • disability
  • mobility
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • mental health challenges
  • alcohol and drug issues
  • debt
  • loneliness
  • family and relationship problems
  • multiple short-term employment history or gaps in employment, particularly for partners/spouses seeking employment
  • lack of local knowledge about the services, support, or grants etc. that are available in Fife.
Family Barracks

Armed Forces Covenant Training

To raise awareness of the Armed Forces Covenant and the support that is currently available for members of the Armed Forces Community, we have developed e-learning modules for employees of Fife partner organisations.

This training will help you understand what the Armed Forces Covenant Duty means for your organisation, service or team, and what you can do to support individuals and families who are part of the Fife Armed Forces Community.

  • Fife Council employees – you can access the Armed Forces Covenant modules in Oracle.


  • NHS Fife employees – you can access the Armed Forces Covenant modules in TURAS.


These e-learning modules are part of a suite of modules developed by Warwickshire County Council with funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust to support training and awareness of the Covenant and Covenant Duty.   

The modules have been adapted by NHS Highland and Fife Health and Social Care Partnership for partner agencies and organisations across Fife. 

Thanks go to colleagues across the UK who have contributed to the e-learning modules. 

For any other organisations or individuals, you can access a short Sway here:

Or find more information here:

Examples of support in Fife

Please find some examples of the support currently in place for the Fife Armed Forces Community.

Read the first Annual Report by Fife Council's Armed Forces and Veterans Community Champion
Fife Council Armed Forces and Veterans Community Champion Annual Report

Find out more details about the NHS Fife General Practice Armed Forces and Veteran's Recognition Scheme:
NHS Fife Armed Forces recognised in General Practices

Read more about the NHS Fife Simulation Training Centre:
NHS Fife strengthens ties with the armed forces locally

Find out more about Veterans First Point (V1P) which provides a peer support and wellbeing service for veterans living in Fife:

Soldiers Patrol Forest