Head of Complex and Critical Care Services
Hailing from Glasgow, I qualified and worked as a Mental Health Nurse before taking up a number of roles within health and social care including Nursing Officer, Clinical Services Manager, Quality Manager, Service Manager, Senior Manager and Head of Service – working with different care groups and specialist services. For the past 15 years I’ve managed both health and social work services in four health and social care partnerships across Scotland and worked in the third sector for a large social care charity and an independent care home company.
I’m passionate about mental health services and experienced in older peoples’ mental health and dementia care including policy and regulation.
I’m committed to integration and a ‘Team Fife’ approach to working and the opportunities that collaborative and whole system working presents.
Description : Hailing from Glasgow, I qualified and worked as a Mental Health Nurse before taking up a number of roles within health and social care including Nursing Officer, Clinical Services Manager, Quality Manager, Service Manager, Senior Manager and Head of Service – working with different care groups and specialist services. For the past 15 years I’ve managed both health and social work services in four health and social care partnerships across Scotland and worked in the third sector for a large social care charity and an independent care home company. I’m passionate about mental health services and experienced in older peoples’ mental health and dementia care including policy and regulation. I’m committed to integration and a ‘Team Fife’ approach to working and the opportunities that collaborative and whole system working presents.