Results for 'Deaf Communications'

Contact Scotland BSL


Contact SCOTLAND-BSL is Scotland’s British Sign Language Interpreting Video Relay Service (VRS) which lets you get in touch with all of Scotland’s public bodies and third sector organisations. 


Grant Funded Third Sector Organisations
Deaf Blind UK

Deaf Blind UK

If you or someone you know is living with sight and hearing loss, we’re here to help. We are here every step of the way to reassure, advise or just to be someone to turn to if there is no one else. We provide practical help, emotional support, help with technology, information, advice and even holidays to anyone who needs it.


Grant Funded Third Sector Organisations

Deaf Communications Service

Fife Council Deaf Communication Service provides a range of advice, support and equipment for people with a hearing loss. This includes people who are Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, deaf-blind and Deaf BSL users.


FVA Logo

Fife Voluntary Action

Fife Voluntary Action (FVA) is the third sector interface for the Fife Council area. We are an independent charity that receives funding from key public sector agencies to ensure the third sector is robust, resilient and delivers high quality services for the people of Fife.


Grant Funded Third Sector Organisations