Fife Health and Social Care Partnership is asking people to return specialised equipment like bed rails, trolleys or shower seats they no longer need so they can be recycled for reuse.

They've already had a great response from Fifers as part of their campaign - with predominantly walking aids like crutches returned.

But there's a range of additional items of specialist equipment that can be of use to others that the Partnership wants people to return too.

What can be recycled?

  • Walking Frames
  • Crutches
  • Sticks
  • Bath Boards, Bath Lifts, Shower Seats
  • Toilet Frames, Commodes
  • Orthopaedic Chairs, Perching Stools
  • Trolleys
  • Bed Rails
  • Over Bed Tables

Where can you recycle the items?

When you, or your relative, no longer require the equipment you can return it to a local Recycling Centre - ask staff at the recycling centre for the community equipment recycling container. The equipment can then be refurbished and used again if it is in good condition.

Find your nearest recycling point online. 

If you can’t get to a recycling centre, you can call the Fife Equipment Loan store (FELS) support team to arrange for an uplift on 01592 583252. 

You should also call the support team if you have an item listed below that was originally loaned from FELS.

Please don’t take any equipment to be recycled to hospitals, health centres or Fife Council offices as there isn’t designated storage space to keep these items in those locations.

What is FELS?

The Fife Equipment Loan store (FELS) loan equipment to support people to remain in their own home or homely setting.

FELS loan out equipment such as:

  • Walking aids
  • Toileting & showering equipment
  • Pressure cushions & mattresses
  • Beds and hoists

Lynne Garvey, Director of the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership, said: “We have had a great response to our campaign so far and would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to return items no longer being use.

“We also wanted to remind people that they can continue to recycle equipment and walking aids on an ongoing basis, just in case they’re having a clear out or an early spring clean and come across any of the items we are looking for.

 “If people find it difficult to get the items to a local recycling centre, especially perhaps some of the larger pieces of equipment that are often loaned out, they can phone our FELS support team who will come and uplift them free of charge.

“This equipment amnesty will allow us to recycle and refurbish essential items to allow others to have the equipment they need to remain independent at home or in a homely setting for as long as possible and is a great way of giving back to your own community.”


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