Promoting health and wellbeing and how we are joining up health and social care across our communities is at the heart of our Locality Planning arrangements. We are working with all of our partners through Integrated Health & Social Care arrangements to tackle the challenges in respect of health and wellbeing across the seven identified localities in Fife.
What is locality planning?
Locality Planning brings together key services within an area to deliver projects to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for the people of Fife.
Who is involved:
Fife Health and Social Care Professionals, representatives from the housing sector, representatives of the third and independent sectors, health and social care professionals who are involved in the care of people who use services, NHS Fife, Fife Council and GP's.
In Fife we have 7 locality areas:
City of Dunfermline
North East Fife
South & West Fife
Why is Locality Planning Important?
Locality planning is important as it brings decision making about health and social care local services closer to communities. This takes account of local needs, health data and engages with those living and using services within the community.
To find out more please visit: Scottish Government Localities Guidance